日期/ 2010年7月1日~7月31日
時間 / 4週(英文課程共40小時、文化課程共40小時)
價格 / NT$90,000(含食宿、活動費、機場接送)
特色 / 密西西比大學語言中心專業授課,著重英語訓練及實境練習,
(上午 10:00~12:00; 下午13:00~15:00)
(e.g. 圖書館、酒吧文化、健身房、Party…等你來體會喔)
課程內容 Syllabus
Course Description:
This course explores different topics relating to American history, traditions, language, music, and popular culture. Through daily class discussions, video clip viewings, and readings, this course will allow students to rediscover topics in American culture or explore new ones. Students will improve their speaking skills through class discussions and presentations and will practice their reading skills through numerous readings for each topic.
Course Goals/Objectives:
Students in this course will be able to:
• expand their knowledge of American culture
• discuss a wide variety of American culture topics orally and in written form
• compare and contrast their own culture with American culture
Course Materials: (使用課本)
• Textbook: Rethinking America 2: A High-Intermediate Cultural Reader (Sokolik (ISBN 978-0-8384-4741-3))
• Notebook and pencil/pen
Course Requirements: (課程要求)
• Attendance - 10% (See attendance policy below for details)
• Class participation - 15% (Bringing all materials to class, participating in pair and group activities, paying attention, taking notes)
• Homework - 15% (Written homework turned in on-time; no late homework will be accepted.)
• Presentation(s) - 10% (Students will give one or two presentations on a topic that the I assign or approve. I will give you specific requirements for each presentation before the due date.)
• Tests & pop-quizzes - 30% (Pop-quizzes will be short and unannounced; they will be based on any readings students are to do for homework. You cannot make-up pop-quizzes. Tests will be announced well in advance. I will tell you exactly which units to study for the test and how the test will be set up {essay questions, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, etc.} Each test will last fifty minutes, unless otherwise noted, and will not be open-book.)
• Final exam – 20%
Attendance Policy (課程守則)
Coming to class on time every day is a very important part of being a student in the University of Mississippi’s Intensive English Program (IEP). When students are in class, they have many chances to talk, read and write in English. This regular practice helps students to learn a language. Additionally, international students, regardless of their visa status, can endanger their residency in the United States when they do not come to class on a routine basis. Therefore, the IEP expects students to attend class regularly, except in the case of excused absences.
Excused absences may include, but are not limited to, illness (proof of illness from a medical professional will be required), approved work or other university-sponsored activities (letter from a supervisor or advisor will be required), death in the immediate family, hazardous weather conditions, observance of a religious holiday, etc. Absences that are not considered excused absences by the instructor are unexcused. Students who arrive more than 10 minutes late for class may be considered absent. After a student has missed more than 20% of his or her classes (for courses that meet 3X/week, this is 8 classes; for courses that meet 2X/week, this is 6 classes) due to unexcused absences, an instructor may lower a student’s attendance grade. Students may potentially receive a failing grade for attendance if they do not come to class regularly!
When students miss class, they may also hurt their grades on assignments and in-class assessments. Instructors do not have to accept late assignments when a student misses class due to an unexcused absence. If a student has a serious reason to submit an assignment late (i.e., an excused absence), he or she must ask permission from the instructor before the deadline. Additionally, regardless of whether a student has missed class because of an excused or unexcused absence, he or she is responsible for contacting the instructor and/or a classmate to find out what was missed and what assignments are required for the next class.
Grading Rubric:
A (90 - 100%) An "A" assignment is excellent in the sense that it satisfies all the criteria implicit in the basic formula and does so to a high degree.
B (80 - 89%) A "B" assignment is very good in the sense that it satisfies all of the standards implicit in the basic formula and does so to a respectable degree.
C (70 - 79%) A "C" assignment is satisfactory in the sense that it shows evidence of sustained effort to complete the assignment but only modest or uneven success in meeting the standards implicit in the basic formula.
D (60 - 69%) A "D" assignment is minimally acceptable in the sense that it barely counts as a completion of the assignment. For an assignment to receive a "D," it must show some evidence of an attempt to satisfy the standards implicit in the basic formula.
F (<59%) An "F" assignment is a failure in the sense of falling entirely short of satisfying the standards implicit in the basic formula. Additionally, plagiarism, cheating or other forms of academic dishonesty; an assignment that meets any of these criteria will receive an F even if it exhibits other characteristics of higher-grade levels.
Academic Honesty:
Please read the “Academic Discipline Policy” in the M Book. Any occurrence of academic dishonesty will result in automatic failure for the course and possible suspension from school.
Students with Disabilities:
Please include a statement of the official University of Mississippi policy of accommodating students with disabilities. It is the responsibility of any student with a disability to contact the Office of Student Disability Services (915-7128). I will be happy to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities who bring me an “Instructor Notification of Classroom Accommodation” form.
Guest Lecturers: (課座教授)
During the course of the term, guest lecturers may come to the class to give a presentation on a topic related to the material in the course. Students should be respectful of the speakers and participate actively in the question and answer session after the presentation. Students should listen attentively and take notes; information presented during the presentations will be on tests.
Field Trips: (校外參訪行程)
Pending approval and assuming we have time, the class may go on trips to explore further aspects of American culture. Attendance is mandatory (when scheduled during class time or if otherwise arranged).